Always forget to order?
Enjoy the convenience of never having to remember to order on time again. Set and forget with our recurring deliveries coming however often you'd prefer.
Get Recurring Deliveries
How does it work?
Click the 'START A RECURRING ORDER HERE' button at the top of this page.
Choose the meals and snacks you'd like and add them to your cart. Select how often you'd like receive your delivery then checkout.
Once set up you will receive delivery of the same order (unless there has been a menu update) at your selected frequency.
How do I cancel, pause, skip or update my recurring order?
Simply login to your account and click the 'MANAGE RECURRING DELIVERIES' button.
From this page you will be able to cancel, pause, skip or modify your next delivery.
Recurring delivery orders are processed at 6pm on Friday, so please ensure any changes are made prior to this time.
Any changes made after this time will only change your next recurring order.
What happens when the menu changes?
Every week we make changes to our menu so that you never get bored of eating the same thing.
Because of this, your recurring order may be modified periodically. You will receive an email with any changes made.
You're able to login at anytime and update your next delivery.
When will I be charged?
Our recurring delivery orders are processed at 6pm on Friday.
Payments will be automatically debited from your nominated credit card every 7, 14, 21 or 28 days. Depending on the frequency you have selected.