Fit Food Perth's Meal Delivery Explained

Fit Food Perth's Meal Delivery Explained (Part 1/2)

You're intrigued by the idea of Fit Food Perth's meal delivery, but you've got some burning questions. Don't worry; we've got the answers you need. Let's dive into the most frequently asked questions to help you make an informed choice.

Where do you deliver?

The first thing that often comes to mind is whether our meal delivery service caters to your location. The good news is that we've got a broad reach.

We deliver within a 30-kilometre radius from Perth CBD.

Whether you're nestled in the heart of the city or in the surrounding suburbs, you can indulge in our nutritious and delectable creations right in the comfort of your own home.

We deliver within a 30-kilometre radius from Perth CBD.  Whether you're nestled in the heart of the city or in the surrounding suburbs, you can indulge in our nutritious and delectable creations right in the comfort of your own home.

Can I pick up my order?

Flexibility is a priority for us.

If you'd prefer to swing by and collect your meals, you're more than welcome to do so.

Our home base is in Bayswater, and during our business hours, you can arrange a convenient pickup. We're all about accommodating your preferences to make your experience as hassle-free as possible.

I live outside the delivery zone, can I still order?

We understand that hunger knows no bounds, but currently, our delivery zone has certain limits.

If you happen to place an order from an area beyond our delivery zone, rest assured we won't leave you hanging.

We'll get in touch to discuss alternatives, such as finding a different drop-off location or arranging for pickup at our factory. If these options don't align with your needs, don't worry – we'll promptly refund your order.

Can I pay more to get my meals delivered outside of the delivery zone?

You might be thinking that an extra fee could extend our reach. However, it's not merely a matter of cost; it's also about ensuring timely deliveries and efficient routes for our drivers.

Nevertheless, we're actively exploring options to expand our delivery zone in the future, so stay tuned for updates.

When will my meals be delivered?

Knowing when to expect your meals is crucial for planning your week. At Fit Food Perth, we've got a set schedule to make it easy for you.

You can count on us to deliver your meals every Thursday, and we'll be at your doorstep between 12-7pm. It's like having a mid-week personal chef that ensures you have a stack of delicious, nutritious options ready to enjoy.

When do I have to order by to receive my meals on Thursday?

To ensure your Thursday delivery, it's important to place your order by Sunday at 8pm.

This lead time allows us to meticulously prepare everything, from sourcing the freshest ingredients to crafting your meals, so that they're in perfect condition when they reach you.

I missed the cut off time, can I please still get my meals delivered?

We understand that life can be hectic, and sometimes, deadlines slip by.

However, to maintain our commitment to freshness and quality, we're unable to fulfill orders placed after the cutoff time.

The reason behind this is that we order all our ingredients on Sunday evening to prepare for the upcoming deliveries. But don't worry; if you miss the deadline, your order will be delivered the following Thursday.

Do I need to be there for delivery?

We're all about convenience, and that includes ensuring you don't have to wait around anxiously for your delivery.

When your meals arrive, we'll leave them near your front door or in a secure location unless you specify delivery instructions on our website cart page before checking out. You'll receive an email notification once the delivery is complete.

Just remember to collect your meals within approximately 8 hours to maintain their freshness.

I live in an apartment, can I still order meals?

Absolutely, apartment dwellers are more than welcome to enjoy our meals.

We understand that apartment living can have its quirks, so please do let us know if there are any specific delivery instructions our driver should be aware of.

If you happen to live in a gated apartment complex, it's important to ensure we have a suitable drop-off location. Feel free to use the notes section at checkout to provide any necessary delivery details.

How much does delivery cost?

We like to keep things simple and transparent.

Our delivery fee is a flat rate of $10 for all suburbs.

No hidden fees, no surprises – just straightforward pricing.

Can I return my delivery box?

We're big on sustainability, and we appreciate your efforts to help us reduce waste.

You can absolutely return your cardboard box, foil lining, and ice packs.

Simply leave them out, and we'll retrieve them the next time we drop off your meals.

It's a small step towards a greener planet.

Can I recycle my delivery box?

Indeed, you can.

All the packaging materials, including the box, can be recycled in your yellow-lid recycling bins.

However, if you're feeling extra eco-conscious, you can leave them out on our next delivery day, and we'll pick them up to reuse them, further reducing our environmental footprint.

Can I leave my old meal containers in the returned box?

While we appreciate your eco-friendly spirit, we kindly request that you recycle the meal containers separately in your yellow-lid recycling bins. This helps us maintain our recycling process efficiently.

Stay tuned for more answers to your burning questions about our food, ordering, and payment methods in the next instalment of our FAQ series.

Feeling more informed after having your questions answered?

Great! It's time to take the next step and try out Fit Food Perth's meal delivery for yourself.

Order now and let's start this nutritious journey together – your first delivery is just around the corner!